Free Case Study
Veradigm® Digital Health Media Works to Message the Right Physicians at the Right Time

Reach targeted providers at the point of care, in a channel they use every day—their EHR*
In this case study, we review how Veradigm Digital Health Media provided targeted impressions for the client’s medication’s messaging. These impressions were focused on healthcare providers (HCPs) of interest in relevant practice areas, in this case family medicine, internal medicine, general practice, and cardiology. Veradigm provided the client the unique ability to deliver highly targeted awareness messaging in a channel that HCPs use more often than other digital media channels.
*EHR = electronic health record. The Practice Fusion EHR displays advertisements in an iframe window that is separate and distinguishable from the clinical and practice management workflow within the EHR.

In contrast, when advertisers attempted to target a group of physicians with banner ads, they found that 80% of physicians didn’t even see the banners, which were blocked by ad blocking software.1
1. Benko B. Banner Ads Don't Work On U.S. Physicians. Forbes. Updated May 13, 2019. Accessed June 11, 2022,